Now that the iPhone 3G S is officially behind us, let me be the first

Now that the iPhone 3G S is officially behind us, let me be the first - or at least one of the first - the countdown for the new iPhone next enacted. If history is any indication, it would appear this time next year.
It is interesting that, although the 3G-S is technically the third generation of Apple's iPhone, some tech experts had hoped that the iPhone 3G-S will be called the iPhone 4G. But one could also argue that the iPhone 3G S more like the iPhone 3.5G, which is not the greatest ring.
There is also a possibility that between the S iPhone 3G and iPhone 4G (or whatever his name is), it could be a whole new branch of the iPhone, something like seeing an iPhone or a mini-Lite.
I'm not sure Apple must be in the form factor more compact answer pre Palm, but there are people out there who think the iPhone is just too big. And there are people who want a physical keyboard, but do not expect Apple to slip into a sliding keyboard soon.
All this being said, I think, next year, the iPhone is a new model, which also have a new screen. Some models are floating around the aluminum monocoque design of the new MacBook proposal. Maybe, but many other designs innovative.
The point is to go to the next round, it is probably not sufficient to keep updated with the internal components. Major cosmetic changes are necessary to differentiate between generations, and to attract more easily upgraded to the current iPod owners. And I do not speak against the matte gloss.
But ultimately it's what inside that counts, and consumers want faster, more powerful smart phones with more memory may do so in a sense, more energy efficiency and offer better battery life . There is already talk of next iPhone with a dual processor heart and better graphics chips that offer higher resolution, video images and even better if you read the image (Story Brooke Crothers' on chip ARM's new here).
The question is whether Apple can continue to increase battery life at the same time. In fact, one important reason that many people are interested in the 3G upgrade to the 3G-S is due to the battery life improved.
Besides the hardware, there are concerns office address (everyone has a wish list) and, more important issues, the carrier and quantities are planning. One day, another carrier, Verizon, perhaps building a 4G network, get the iPhone. And someone, maybe Apple will say that the iPhone 4G. Or maybe it was just the 3G V. I do know is that this time will be next year we may see a new iPhone. And he will be here before you know it.

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