Apple's chief operating officer, said that 62 other countries could get the iPhone 3G by the end of September.

Apple has announced they have successfully sold 5.2 million iPhones 3GS units to date. 3GS iPhone inventory is low, with claims about the production. Of the 80 countries where Apple has the iPhone 3G, only 18 countries had the iPhone 3G.

Apple's chief operating officer, said that 62 other countries could get the iPhone 3G by the end of September.

We all know that Apple is futuristic in its approach. The company introduced the iPhone and iPod when they need applications to your iPod one days would be reduced. The company has updated its line of iPhone will continue to compete with products from other companies, who could beat the iPhone.

The 3G iPhone is the king of smartphones for the moment. This was not done by Apple to even a moment's peace. iPhone 4G is already back in the air. This is not a rumor, but confirmed an information, which comes with a sad tone.

According to reports 25-year-old SO Danyong one Foxconn employee commits suicide after he was interrogated and physically abused, disappeared when a prototype of the iPhone 4G. SO jumped out of the story of a building of 12 not in a position to bear the humiliation of the abuse.

Apple confirmed the news and said it was very sad. Yes, it is a sad news available on the iPhone in context.

Now it's time to start waiting for the iPhone 4G again when the iPhone 3G is still very fresh and new and has yet to be offered in many countries.

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